© Feathered Companions Aviary, Comanche County, OK. All rights reserved. Copyright laws at this site.
No portion may be reproduced in whole or in part without permission of this web site owner.
Disclaimer: Articles & observations are our experience only. Each person should rely on common sense, personal research, & professional avian veterinarian advice to determine their own actions with their birds.
Feathered Companions Aviary
A Cozy Home Aviary Since 1991
Comanche County, Oklahoma
Policies & Contact Information
Purchase Contract: The purpose of our purchase contract is to offer protection to the buyer for a major health problem that was unknown at the time of sale. Our birds are monitored on a daily basis to ensure their health and well being, and to the best of our knowledge, they are healthy and disease free. Because some health conditions can only be detected by an avian veterinarian, we encourage you to take your new bird(s) for a checkup so that you may receive an expert's opinion on their health status. We understand that test results may not be instantly available, but testing by a licensed Doctor of Veterinary Medicine must take place within the 3-day warranty period from the time of receipt of the bird(s). See our Purchase Contract for complete details, including notification requirement if bird is to be rehomed/sold in the future by buyer.
Local Visits: Visits to see specific birds available are by appointment only. Because FCA is a
private aviary, there is no public "store" hours or “tours”. Strangers in their aviary can upset
breeding pairs resulting in loss of babies, and traffic through bird areas constitutes a biosecurity
risk. We will be happy to spend time educating to determine whether we potentially have the
species and age bird needed.
Payment: * USPS Money Order *Cash [local pickup]
* Personal Check [held for clearance 10 business days after bank deposit is made before shipping]
Terms & Conditions: A Purchase Contract is required on all sales.
* Full payment, including shipping costs, is required BEFORE release of bird(s).
* Deposit and payments may be accepted on handfeeding babies.
* FCA does NOT sell unweaned babies except to experienced local handfeeders.
Shipping: FCA ships (at buyer's expense) via Delta (~$175) airlines from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and
can ship multiple birds in one shipment. There are summer and winter temperature limitations on most shipping.
* Shipping carrier cost and transport ($50).
* Requested/required health certificates ($50+) are buyer's expense.
* FCA does NOT ship unweaned babies—NO exceptions.
* FCA does NOT ship via USPS—NO exceptions. It is against postal regulations and the USPS pet-shipping infrastructure is not as good or as swift as airlines and is therefore riskier to the bird's health.
Contact Us! For aviculture-related and pet bird questions, or specific available bird discussions, please e-mail us at birdcompanions@gmail.com or call us at 580-514-9040.
If you call and we are not available, speak your phone number slowly and distinctly so we can call you back.