© Feathered Companions Aviary, Comanche County, OK. All rights reserved. Copyright laws at this site.
No portion may be reproduced in whole or in part without permission of this web site owner.

 Disclaimer:  Articles & observations are our experience only. Each person should rely on common sense, personal research, & professional avian veterinarian advice to determine their own actions with their birds.

Feathered  Companions  Aviary
A Cozy Home Aviary Since 1991

Comanche County, Oklahoma

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Tiny Dynamos!

* Personality plus - Little Napoleons!
* Intelligent and mischievous
* Affectionate, cuddly and playful
* Vocal, some talking ability
* Low to moderate volume in vocalizations

Parrotlet Availability   (Jan 16, 2025)
PLEASE NOTE: Young birds are raised in a home environment and handled daily, They are fully flight fledged and "bird socialized", and potential pets are also "people socialized".   




  American White, blue, yellow

  Normal (green)



Spring 2025

Educational Articles:

Recognized Parrotlet Color Mutations
Land of the Littles: Parrotlets

Parrotlet Females: Myth or Reality?
[M. Covault]
Spooky Eyes or Tuffy? [M. Covault]
Lima Bean, the Pied Parrotlet [M. Covault]
The Pied Parrotlet [pictorial] [M. Covault]
Parrotlet Blog Spot  [Sandee Molenda]

Parrotlet colors we raise